On Eagles Wings
On Eagles Wings
Proceedings of the Forth International Conference
of the
International Catholic Foundation
for the Service of Deaf Persons
held in Rome, Italy
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Table of Contents
Praying - Drs Hans Waegemakers
Praying Right from Childhood - Mrs Gerry Velma-Drent
Praying with little or childhood at all - Mrs Diana de Bruyn
Praying and Celebrating with Children - Mr Ard Habraken
He Spoke to them in Images - Mr Coen Pouls
Prayer in the Life of Deaf People as a necessary foundation for Ministry - Sr Marie Robb, DC
Teach us to Pray: Deaf Prayer and Deaf Celebrations - Revs Rich Luberti and Len Broniak
Prayer as part of the Pastoral Ministry for the Deaf - Rev Cyril Axelrod
Life of Prayer of Deaf Persons - Mr Luigi Bove
The Visual in the Spirituality of St. Teresa of Avila - Rev Mgr Paul F Smith