Eye People
Gift to the Church
Eye People
Gift to the Church
Theme: Working models of Church:
implementing the vision in a variety of pastoral settings
Proceedings of the Second Symposium of the International Catholic Foundation for the Service of Deaf Persons
held in Manchester, England
13th to 18th September 1988
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Table of Contents
Setting the scene - Bishop JF Lescrauwaet (Nertherlands)
Crossroads: presentation of the liturgy
in a Catholic school for deaf children - Sister Catherine Mathews, DC (England)
In a Catholic deaf school - Rev J van Corven (Netherlands)
What model of church do we present in
religious education of deaf children? - Mr Antonio Guimoye del Rosario (Peru)
Religious education: also a parental task? - Mr Sjef Kolbrink (Netherlands)
Religious education in the family - Mrs Mia Stevens-Leyskens (Belgium)
Psychological aspects of being church - Dr Marcel Broesterhuizen (Netherlands)
Religious education of multiple-handicapped deaf children - (Netherlands)
Church programs for deaf teenagers - Rev Anthony J Schuerger (USA)
Searching for community among the deaf - Rev J Vitucci (USA)
Adult catechesis in parishes - Sister Eileen McColgan (England)
Volunteer pastoral groups as a model of church - Sister Kevin Allan, DC (England)
Deaf people as ministers - Rev Thomas Woods, CM (Ireland)
Pastoral work with deaf people in the German Democratic Republic - Rev Michael Teubner (GDR)
Pastoral services for hard-of-hearing people - Very Rev Canon Charles Hollywood (England)
Sign language as a means of building church communion - Rev Erich Prokosch (West Germany)
Homily texts - Bishop Patrick A Kelly (England)
Workshop material
Theological reflections - Bishop JF Lescrauwaet (Netherlands)
Theological reflections - Bishop Patrick A Kelly (England)